Cervicogenic Dizziness

Dr. James Stein at Lifeline Chiropractic, serving the community of Norristown, PA and the Philadelphia area, should be your go-to chiropractor for cervicogenic dizziness. Dr. Stein is a board certified neck specialist with over 27 years of experience treating vertigo and dizziness patients successfully and quickly. 

What Is Cervicogenic Dizziness?

Cervicogenic dizziness (CGD), sometimes called cervical vertigo, is when a patient experiences dizziness and neck pain. The cervical spine position or cervical joint movement should affect the dizziness. Patients may also exhibit a limited cervical range of motion symptoms, disorientation, and headaches, as well as symptoms such as:

- Nausea and vomiting

- Concentration problems

- Ear pain or tinnitus

- Imbalances

The underlying cause of a patient suffering from CGD can be challenging to isolate. Still, patients with CGD have usually had recent whiplash injuries or suffer from cervical spine dysfunctions for mechanical, inflammatory, or degenerative reasons. Specialized exam, analysis and correction has typically resulted in quick results not found in traditional protocols.

Diagnosing Cervicogenic Dizziness

At Lifeline Chiropractic, Dr. Stein serving Norristown, PA and the greater Philadelphia area, takes a whole-person approach when it comes to diagnosing and treating patients with chiropractic complaints.  Cervicogenic dizziness can be difficult to diagnose, and requires ruling out several other potential conditions, such as:

- Benign positional vertigo

- Central or psychogenic vertigo

- Inner ear diseases, which may cause dizziness

In addition to taking a thorough medical history, Dr. Stein may request some of the following tests to help establish a diagnosis.

- Specific Upper Cervical X-rays and expert analysis - Exam of the cervical spine to establish if the dizziness is linked to positioning.

Less infrequently and possibly:

- MRI of the neck or MRA

- Vertebral ultrasound or angiography

Once a diagnosis has been made, a treatment plan can be developed.

Treating Cervicogenic Dizziness

Specialized comfortable chiropractic treatments can really make a difference when it comes to cervicogenic dizziness. Dr. Stein may recommend one or more treatments based on your needs.

- Specialized Chiropractic corrective adjustments based off Digital X-ray analysis

- Shockwave or soft tissue balancing treatments

- Simple yet effective Corrective Postural Exercises and Weighting
- Range of motion exercises to support treatment.

- Spinal decompression or traction

The team at Lifeline Chiropractic offers a comprehensive range of treatment options for patients with chiropractic complaints that can be individually tailored to your needs, including:

- Atlas Orthogonal Headache Relief

- Corrective Postural Exercises and weighting
- Massage therapy
- Laser therapies

- Functional nutrition

- PEMF : Brain balancing Postural correction 

Benefits of Using Chiropractic for Cervicogenic Dizziness

Integrative chiropractic care offers several benefits for patients suffering from CGD and other chiropractic complaints, including pain relief, non-invasive treatment, and improved overall quality of life. The symptoms of CGD can be very disruptive, and chiropractic care may offer immediate intervention without relying on over-the-counter medications or invasive treatments.

Contact Us

If you think you are suffering from cervicogenic dizziness in Norristown, PA or the greater Philadelphia area, please reach out to Dr. Stein and his team at Lifeline Chiropractic today to book an appointment. Call today at 610 630 9800 and look forward to significant results before you even leave your first appointment.

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